Municipal Solid Waste Sorting +RDF system
Complicate and varies material make up MSW. The renewable recycling fraction
is different as well. Huanchuang Municipal solid waste sorting+ RDF system is
specialize on sorting out the valuable waste paper, plastic, ferrous and etc,
then to make shredded reuse derived fuel(RDF) for gasification power factory or cement factory from remained combustible
Normal MSW composition

Material and Final products
Plastic(PE PP PET)
Technology Process
3D drawing

Main equipment list and description
▪ Slat feeder or belt feeder.
▪ Bag breaker
▪ Trommel Screen
▪ Air separator System
▪ Hanging Magnetic Separator
▪ Eddy current separator
▪ Manual sorting platform
▪ RDF shredder
▪ Single screw dewaterer
▪ RDF shaping Machine