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Must promote the Tamsui River pollution a crush type grille decontamination machine
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-12-22 17:23:26
"You immediately upstream sewage interception governance, what I do is prove futile downstream!" Freshwater river Huizhou people do not have to treat "the mother river", but to see such appears to be in the right and self-confident report.
Transboundary pollution become inevitable. Ring a (Xiamen) Polytron Technologies Inc
In 1993 the provincial government issued "Guangdong Guangdong Province inter city river boundary water quality compliance management pilot scheme", the requirements of freshwater river upstream of the Longgang River, Ping Shan of the handover in 1995 to achieve the standard of class III.
But then promote freshwater river pollution control, a thankless task. In 2008, Zhongshan University Department of environment compiled the "Tamsui River pollution remediation implementation plan" display: retrospective assessment of freshwater river black such as soy sauce, still a stench, into a piece of water hyacinth green oil, sewage and water ratio reached 5 terrible: 1, the water quality is certainly worse than grade v. The reason is: River freshwater ecosystems, serious damage of self purification capacity almost disappeared, "micro capacity, heavy load" of water environment in the short term may not be fundamentally solved, and the high-speed development of economy and society in the basin to pollution remediation sustained pressure.
"Governance of transboundary river must lead to promote the province." Huang Chengkuan said. In 2008, Guangdong Provincial People's Congress to intervene, transboundary pollution will be fresh water river as the NPC Standing Committee key proposals. After five years, each year are included in the key proposals. At the same time, Guangdong Province, the government set up a freshwater river political joint conference system, determine the governance program list, control scheme by the provincial approval, environmental protection agency issued, clear objectives. The annual environmental protection department plan issued specific tasks based on local governance, municipalities do special planning according to the scheme.
"Who is a problem, who is playing ass". In 2008 as the starting point of the transboundary pollution, freshwater rivers governance new dawn: terminal control central pollution into the whole process control. To this end, in 2011 the provincial government issued the implementation of Guangdong "notice" on the strict restrictions on the Dongjiang River Basin water pollution projects further do a good job of Dongjiang water quality protection work, requirements in freshwater River Hui between the deep, deep Wando between Shima River to strictly limit the construction and suspended approval of heavy pollution projects.
Since the implementation of limited number of fresh water river basin, the elimination of heavy polluting enterprises 351, accounting for 46.7% of the total; Watershed Delineation for ban Yang District, all, eliminate illegal poultry farms 1032, clearing 627000 pigs. Within the basin of industrial wastewater discharge compliance rate has reached more than 95%, rate of more than 65% industrial water recycling.
In 2012, the first five years of management plan, fresh water river water quality for the first time a turn for the better. According to the director of Guangdong provincial Environmental Protection Bureau Li Qing introduced, monitoring data at the time of the show, freshwater lake village, Shang Yang West Section of ammonia nitrogen concentration less than 4 mg / L, the other indicators reached the surface water class V, reached the 2012 stage water quality objectives to formulate.
In many places water without interception. Water mainly engage in on both sides of the green, hardened, the river is very beautiful, the water is not clean
"Fresh river water quality is still poor V, this year the main reason is the sewage pipe network repeatedly blockage effect is not stable, the sludge treatment did not follow up." The environmental protection department of Southern China Environmental Science Research Institute researcher Ceng Fantang said.
Chen Guangrong deputy director of Guangdong provincial Environmental Protection Bureau said more sharp: "now a lot of local water without interception. Water mainly engage in on both sides of the green, hardened, the river is very beautiful, the water is not clean. This is a great disadvantage of water. The key problem is the imperfect performance evaluation."
Public information display, 2008 to 2012, the freshwater river input 22000000000 yuan. But before 2008, Huizhou invested 8000000000 yuan of water pollution; Longgang, Shenzhen invested about 5000000000 yuan.
Such investment, the biggest change is the watershed environmental infrastructure continue to improve, and formed a set of mechanism and system of transboundary river basin pollution control.
According to the introduction, with compared 2008, fresh water river basin, new daily sewage treatment capacity of 2290000 tons, increased 2.7 times, the newly completed supporting pipe network 1407 kilometers, increased by 4 times, the watershed sewage treatment capacity has exceeded the actual total sewage discharge. The basin all the town built sewage treatment facilities.
Environmental experts point out that, the Tamsui River pollution remediation has now basically completed the first phase of the oxygen consumption of material removal, the second stage to the more difficult the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus removal, the future pollution control is more complex and requires more force, more investment.
Ceng Fantang think, 21 years of performance, the maximum benefit is in the background of rapid economic development, the development trend of pollution has been effectively curbed, the basic elimination of black odor. But compared to the enormous damage to the environment caused by the extensive development of human, 20 years into the tens of billions of dollars is not much, but too little.
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