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Seize the environmental protection industry "cake" enterprises need hard skills
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-13 15:06:57
China's water network editor's note: in recent years, especially since the environmental protection industry into national strategic and emerging industries "sequence", from the central to local, from the investment, planning, preferential policies for the development of environmental protection industry made a series of arrangements. The Chinese economy continues to deepen the reform, is to clarify the relationship between the government and the market, clearly the respective roles and functions. Environmental protection industry sustainable development also have the same appeal.

Positioning increasingly serious situation, emerging industries of strategic importance and future pillar industry, indicates that China's environmental protection industry will usher in a golden period of development. And on the current level of development of China's environmental protection industry, environmental pollution, governance and shoulder to spur economic growth and participate in the international competition of the mission is still a greater distance. The environmental protection industry to boost environmental governance? How to make full use of the historical development opportunity period? Environmental protection industry into a pillar industry needs what level of support? Recently, this reporter an exclusive interview with the China Academy of science and technology policy and Management Science Research Institute Wang Yi.

Reporter: environmental protection industry urgently needed to solve the problem?

Wang Yi: at present in the whole system to give policy support for more. There are some enterprises itself is China enterprise tax burden is heavy, for this emerging industry to give tax subsidies, or positive energy guide. At the same time, to break local protection.

reporter: the government should do something now?

Wang Yi: the first is the price of the tax reform. We are now in the reform of resource tax, resource tax reform undoubtedly involves many basic energy such as coal. If the tax increase, will affect the residents, also will affect the industry. Environmental tax is a tax, may be considered. Including legal legislation Congress to these tax, then on this basis the policy to promote more.

In addition, the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen also mentioned another concept, is a public-private partnership, is called PPP model. There is a third party governance. These two concepts are likely to establish a new mechanism for environmental protection industry, promotion of environmental protection industry more market-oriented.

In the recently held 2014 China Environmental Protection Industry Summit Forum, Ma Rong of vice director of the national development and Reform Commission Environmental Resources Division said that the Commission is the lead to study and formulate environment the third party governance reform measures, is expected to complete the work within the year.

reporter: the third party governance implementation will produce what kind of impact on the industry of environmental protection?

Wang Yi: for the third party governance, to promote the "who pollution, who pays" the future, by the enterprise for professional management, will make a very big market space. That is to say the enterprise not only to improve their ability of a very important aspect is to expand the scale, to occupy more market, is the development of enterprises increasingly diversity.

reporter: speaking of many aspects of enterprise development, we note that China's environmental protection industry in expanding the scale, but a number of environmental protection enterprises in reducing, what do you think of this phenomenon?

Wang Yi: I think this is a good thing, that is to say the development of any industry or industry is facing a number of start to grow, then set up the competitive enterprises in the continuous competition. So the government through policy environment, the competition is more reasonable, let the ability, aptitude, or have the credibility of the enterprise can win in the competition. So that enterprises can be more professional, more and more capable of dealing with all kinds of affairs.

reporter: we are optimistic about the Chinese market of environmental protection, including the early to enter the Chinese water treatment Veolia and other foreign environmental protection enterprises have come to China to seek business opportunities, what will the impact to the environmental protection industry in China?

Wang Yi: like Veolia and Suez into China, for China's environmental protection played a significant role in promoting. These enterprises become China's enterprises to surpass the benchmark. China is an open market, also hope in the future, can produce such big international brand. So these enterprises must have brand awareness, to learn the modern enterprise management system, learning how to deal with the government, how to deal with all kinds of things, how to tell people a good relationship. Reporter: in this competition, for a growing number of Chinese environmental protection enterprises will be the impact?

Wang Yi: the only competition can than a high or low, if avoiding competition could not stand out in market environment. So it requires the government to create a more fair and competitive environment through policy, price, protection of intellectual property rights, so that these enterprises can have the equal development opportunity.

reporter: China's environmental market has the potential to create local, environmental governance, with the impact of globalization?

Wang Yi: I estimate that after 5 to 10 years, China will appear similar to the international such large enterprises. Then, it not only helped China to solve environmental problems, the characteristics can also for other developing countries, the output of China's experience to help other developing countries to solve the environmental problems. I am very optimistic about the future development of China's environmental protection enterprises, but environmental protection enterprises must enhancing "internal strength". At the same time, the government should increase investment in environmental protection accounted for the proportion of GDP, strive to achieve 3%. In addition to the investment in place, must also be changed
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