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Water pollution situation in crushing type grid use show the window
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-10-16 15:05:32

Water pollution situation in crushing type grid use show the window

Environmental pollution accident 13 years continued to heat up, environmental policies are also accelerating progress key check enterprise sewage discharge to presence of abnormal, set the outlet of specification, if there is a use of pits and crevices or discharge of sewage into the underground. Production will start by checking, the two enterprise sewage disposal equipment normal operation, found no super row, row and other illegal ACTS; Early signs start wading enterprises found no has been discontinued. County sewage treatment plant running normally.
Environmental protection enterprise (xiamen ring gen) with seasonal volatility, quarterly earnings growth is often lower than the full-year growth. Environmental protection company had a great season of volatility, often in the fourth quarter centrally cleared. Atmospheric governance class company due to the project cycle is relatively short, seasonal volatility is relatively small. Another due to the facts that the number of orders or the settlement period of 12 years, three quarterly performance is much better than the industry average.
The municipal environmental protection bureau commissioner of fouling prevention Wang Chunlin to introduce you to the official monitoring PM2.5 mobile client. "When you install the software, can use mobile query three focuses on regional air quality, including PM2.5 concentrations. Data released by the municipal environmental protection monitoring center." He urged the crowd to take an active part in the atmospheric governance activities.
The data shows, at present, our country has accounted for 18% of the total water supply for groundwater exploitation in northern 65% water, 50% of industrial water and 33% of the agricultural irrigation water from groundwater. Among 657 cities throughout the country, there are more than 400 in groundwater for drinking water. It is difficult to prove, the time and venue of the China's first water pollution incident, also cannot prove. On October 12, 2013, guangxi, river water pollution incident in the first case to be heard things will once again the matter to the public opinion on the waves of water pollution. At the same time, People's Daily reported on the same day we 1/5 of China's farmland polluted by heavy metals. Cadmium rice "land" poison "grow", have suffered different degrees of surface water and underground water pollution and damage, air pollution has been intensified, people live to eat, drink, breathe of security problems, we should go to business? This is a question worth pondering. All kinds of advanced technology products for people's life brings hope, to improve the life of people in a certain extent, but only radically reduce pollution emissions can achieve the result of fundamental, people can truly live a happy life.
Researcher at the Chinese institute of water resources and hydropower research of water environment with the tap water and rural natural physical pollution water, sewage and other a few bottles of water sample, the classification of the site on the water pollution.
Is different from surface water, groundwater once pollutants enter, management extremely difficult. In technology, to be completely purifying contaminated groundwater is extremely difficult. Is also a long time, the governance process. Buried in the ground within certain depth of groundwater, hypoxia, low temperature, no light, low flow water exchange, cycle is long, once the pollution, contamination, the interaction between water and medium process is complicated, long recovery period. Although now across the country to take corresponding measures to control pollution of the environment problems such as water pollution, but it is really a very long process, and what happens in the final governance is also a question, the general public in order to their own drinking water safety and food safety, at the same time of installation and use of household water purifiers, must improve yourself and those around the child's environmental protection consciousness, to make their due contribution to environmental protection industry in China.

Watch the three quarterly reports bright eye, ahead of the layout of water treatment related targets. Unprecedented action plan for the control of air pollution, but is hard to implement and investment demand, still need to form a complete set of concrete measures and capital source, following each niche differentiation competition will result in different orders, and performance. Dust control and monitoring of market leading effect is obvious, new entrants are difficult to share the market cake, rather than the current desulfurization denitration market heavily involved in small business, operational links with high barriers.
Our province is the largest water resources, and the three gorges dam reservoir area and the protection, protect and manage water resources in hubei is not only related to the sustainable development of hubei, and has the strategic significance of national level, must correctly handle the relationship between protection and utilization, concept of protection is the premise and foundation of development. To build a long-acting mechanism of system of water pollution prevention and control work; To further clarify the responsibilities of governments at all levels and relevant departments, strengthen government entities at all levels of the organization and coordination of the water pollution prevention and control work; Strengthen the supervision mechanism of river basin water environment protection; Refinement of legal responsibility and increase the penalties. Next, will also carry out the party's mass line education practice activity, further to listen to people's congress and the social public opinion and the suggestion, in all aspects of the collection of social power, making an accord with the actual, practical work of hubei "law", as the "province of thousands of lakes" ever-flowing blue water provide a powerful legal guarantee.
Environmental protection environment as director zou first people at the meeting, said in an interview this year is aimed at people reflect the strong atmosphere and groundwater pollution, lead-acid batteries, such as heavy metal pollution on regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, and adding, "China's pharmaceutical industry accounted for the proportion of the world is very big, API manufacturing, in particular, we will further strengthen screening next year".
The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the full implementation of the key river basin water pollution prevention and control of special planning, positive progress has been made in prevention and control of water pollution. Huaihe river basin in shandong province, jiangsu province, anhui province, the haihe river basin in shandong, henan, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, liaohe river basin of liaoning province, the Yellow River shelter-forest in henan province, chongqing three gorges reservoir area and upstream river basin, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river basin in jiangsu province, jiangxi, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, anhui province, henan province in 2012 "planning" implementation in good condition.
Environmental protection department shall, in accordance with the "key river basin water pollution prevention and control of special planning implementation evaluation interim measures", does not pass the examination to examine the provincial county city and suspended suspended its new main water pollutants for examination and approval of the eia of construction project.

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