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The disposal of sludge and sewage treatment work are inseparable
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-12-19 15:46:28

The disposal of sludge and sewage treatment work are inseparable
With the development of city planning and construction, subway excavation process, reduce the domestic sludge treatment and disposal of organic matter content, to bring many obstacles, such as equipment wear, anaerobic digestion is relatively low, the burning of large energy consumption. Zhang Chen puts forward, collection system and construction mode of domestic network caused by sewage treatment plant organic matter is very low, this is the sewage sludge treatment process, an intermediate disposal. For this problem, Zhang Chen proposed, "to promote the sludge treatment and disposal work, is actually a sewage treatment plant in the middle part of the work".
He explained, each processing facilities in the sewage treatment process has its function, whether running or during the design process, to let every function it plays in essence. For example the settling basin, in order to achieve better results, should improve the design of desilting basin, also prolong residence time in the settling basin in. Our specification of desilting basin of stay is 1 to 3 minutes, then I want to take time to 5 minutes or 3 minutes or more, no consensus has been put down, in fact, sand should be addressed in a sand sinking intermediate, intermediate course sand also have different levels of sand, some very fine sand can't, we sink basin how to design good. Zhang Chen thinks, only the sewage treatment process each facilities are better use effect, in order to better promote the sludge stabilization work.
Can not let the disposal process issues become a permanent problem
For such a problem in the process, Zhang Chen said: "we should strive to solve the problem of shortened process, can't process the problem as a permanent problem." How to shorten the process, Zhang Chen think should strengthen standards formulation. He in the forum compare relevant standard in domestic and the United States, European Union, japan. In the study, Zhang Chen lead the team to carry out a lot of work, including: 2012 Beijing "7 - 21" after the drainage standards to improve the construction of drainage pipeline design specifications; do the adjustment; the standard system of drainage to do the research, establishing the concept, and then revised specification; the establishment of sewage sludge disposal standard. "For the study of the standard system I am very seriously, we deal with some mud standards, but these mud standards but the entire standard system and the tip of the iceberg, as I just said three words, hope that through the practice, the technical specifications, technical system together." Zhang Chen said.
Under the new thinking way of sludge to water and mud coordinated consideration
Zhang Chen's speech caused a positive response to the guests, in exchange links, think the industry put forward such a question to Zhang Chen: "blue thinking under the sewage treatment plant sludge treatment and disposal to consider?" In this regard, Zhang Chen cited an example: "there is a city in Switzerland, it turns out that there is sludge digestion tank, then in order to do a hydrolysis, to engage in a converted in situ, do the hydrolysis in front, behind the anaerobic digestion, the government had a as, government procurement it is producing biogas you call me, how many purchases, then investors to invest in hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion, the government procurement for public transportation, bus also makes the city's new energy automobile industry promotion." He thinks, in the blue thinking, the most important is to open up the industry chain.
In order to solve the problem of sludge treatment and disposal, Zhang Chen think should not only consider the problem of coordination of sewage and sludge, but should consider the different process respectively. If you want to make compost, to be stabilized, the front should be considered in water treatment process stabilization. If the sludge anaerobic digestion, biogas produced by anaerobic digestion to comprehensive utilization, but also can produce very big effect when, should consider how to produce the amount of mud more in the sewage treatment process, to produce more methane.
At the same time, Zhang Chen introduced the application of thermal hydrolysis, sludge bioleaching, intelligent control of CTB sludge aerobic fermentation technology, sludge electroosmotic dewatering technology. Finally, he said: "our country can't be only one sewage treatment way, especially with the characteristics of our country north climate, and our economic conditions, can explore different paths, and then to a certain amount of time, we again by the experts commented that the continuous improvement efforts in these areas, and jointly create a suitable for us situation of sludge treatment and disposal of the road."

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