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Huanchuang (Xiamen) Technology Co.,Ltd
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Outstanding centralyear technology - crusher industry, kitchen garbage crusher
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-12-3 11:32:51
A technology focus of kitchen waste after treatment can achieve "zero emissions", both have very important meaning for our small family environment or the city environment. Thoroughly clean the kitchen garbage, not just the rise in living standards, also indicates that the level of China's garbage disposal more on a higher level.
Kitchen waste processor is a new product, is the environmental health, can be from the source to deal with food waste, high-end brand kitchen waste processor not only won't clog sewers, but also reduces the daily garbage troubles.
In the present situation of each district of Guangzhou city are required to establish a waste incineration plants, waste incineration plant will remove harmful gas, is harmful to the human body within a certain distance, so have a certain influence on the purchase of the crowd. Real estate prices, volume will be reduced, and then the government clearly these adverse effects, so now the location are fair, open and transparent. The government should avoid the establishment of waste in the residential area and population in more places incineration plant. In the range of influence of garbage incineration plant outside the impact should not be too large, but there will still be people who don't like to live near the garbage incineration plant. Now the government has sought the views of the residents, and the technology has improved, believe the impact of harmful gases will be reduced
Because of the market and the public on the technology and management of waste incineration is not very understanding, on the whole a bad factors still refuse incineration regional market and environment. Even if the incineration technology is mature, reliable project management level, but the image of itself, is still a negative factor. Of course, the distance is very important, if the 10 kilometers, this kind of influence factors will be reduced to very small; but if the property after the garbage transportation routes, still have a greater impact, because the present our country garbage transport is not very advanced, leakage is inevitable. In addition to incineration project itself to strengthen the management of the affected property will minimize the negative factors, such as by planting trees to isolation and so on.
Landfill and incineration of the two industry is still in dispute processing way under the reality version of the same projection in the Pearl River Delta cities. 6 in addition to Jiang door every city adopt landfill and incineration mixed garbage disposal strategy. Landfill to occupy the absolute advantage in Foshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen and is a long-term mainstream way, Jiangmen current and future planning full use of sanitary landfill; Huizhou, Zhongshan two incineration prevails and is the future trend; Dongguan now to landfill the majority but the future tend to burn transition. Although 6 is now have a trial trash classification recycling treatment, but most of them remain in the primary stage of a garbage can, but the general effect.
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