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Crusher, crushing machine manufacturers, jaw crusher, living garbage crusher, garbage crusher crushe
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-11-26 15:39:18
Living garbage crusher without pollution and solution of environmental problems
In order to solve environmental problems, the government should first DOSOMETHINPREVIOUSLYUNRELEASED. Now a lot of time, officials meet environmental problems are "walk around". For example, the occurrence of waste incineration NIMBY event, the total local government said "if people don't agree, we will resolutely not", and then can't see chaos chaos filled in buried people, the official but popular people welcome.
Garbage harmless treatment in Hangzhou was at the forefront of the country, very early has 4 waste incineration plants, can take 50% of the city's garbage. The harm of waste incineration plant: 10 5000 meters, will not be affected, unless the garbage burning factory chimney is too high, the visual landscape of discomfort. Waste incineration plant on air pollution, environmental impact evaluation, according to the national legal atmosphere pollution emission diffusion model (the world almost), combined with the local meteorological and surface flow and calculation methods for the determination of history data, atmospheric dynamics and numerical (that thing super trouble, good long winded on a large set of equations and loop algorithm, also often does not converge, i.e. the calculation results for a while in the day, while on the ground, complexity theory and catastrophe theory now from this day and in the shake out).
According to the source point strength calculation, the highest concentration of landing point distance, is generally 1300 meters, most within 1000 meters, unless in the lower reaches of the dominant wind direction box gorge type of terrain, only then has the possibility to exceed 3000 meters. Incinerators dioxins than air filter for filtering, is used to burn decomposed at high temperature (850 DEG C, more than 6% of oxygen content in flue gas, the high temperature zone for more than 2 seconds, flue gas flow fully turbulent four conditions together meet), physical and chemical adsorption and chemical kinetics of the catalytic decomposition of three kinds of method to clear, the high temperature decomposition can kill 99.999% by waste incineration directly generated dioxins, but by the high temperature flue gas in the process of descending to 300 DEG C in will trace regeneration synthesis of dioxins, regeneration condition is the existence of unburned hydrocarbons, organic chlorine, nitrogen and oxygen in flue gas, and catalyzed by copper and iron, after two way is mainly to deal with regeneration dioxins, normal temperature catalytic method still has very large development space. The dioxin concentration flue gas purification treatment after the generally lower than 0.1 I-TEQng/Nm^3 waste incineration, replaced daily parlance, levels of dioxin in flue gas per standard cubic meter of less than international toxic equivalent translation equivalent 0.1 ng (negative ten Fang Ke ten).
The world of all things contain dioxins, by the earth's evolution and biological evolution process to produce, and because of the natural state not biodegradable, water-soluble and fat soluble, and are ubiquitous in nature. The body of dioxin in the more than 92% from the food, about 3% by respiratory air, 2% affected by the skin effect of exchange, the other by the bad habits or special environmental impact. At present, the most powerful natural emissions of dioxins are volcanic eruptions and forest fires, the most powerful human production activities produce dioxin is non-ferrous metal recycling and smelting, coking steelmaking, fires, the most close and daily life will increase human dioxin content behavior is used tap water, smoke and burning furnace for cooking. Countries and the World Health Organization Human dioxin absorbing cap is allowed per kilogram of body weight per day and no more than 4pg (four ten negative twelve party g), equivalent to the adult smoking four thousand cigarettes a day, but the really toxic dose can also expand a thousand times.
The original crushing and for a garbage crusher is the garbage crushing equipment with high crushing efficiency, per hour processing capacity from 0.3 tons to 100 tons of optional. The crushed material particle size from 8mm to 300mm. For crushing different material, a cutter blade and the cutter tooth is designed to provide different and special surface treatment technology, in order to achieve the optimum crushing effect and the highest production efficiency.
Visiting the masses mood is excited, has crowded city government Simon and the east gate, causing service vehicles can not enter the city government compound, has seriously affected the normal order of authority of office. Although the petitioners had violated the "PRC Regulations on administrative penalties for public security", but considering the petitioners claim, relevant departments of the municipal government still patiently explained to the petitioners, relevant policies and regulations, to persuade the guide petitioners into the places for receiving the petition.
At about 12 noon, municipal committee, deputy mayor Su Zequn reported immediately to the City Council to convene site meetings, on disposal scheme together with the relevant departments and the government of Panyu District, and many times to the petitioners read mayor Zhang Guangning instructions, please according to the provisions of the "petitioners petition regulations", sent 5 representatives to the reception place, leading direct dialogue with the city, was the petitioners to refuse. As of 3 pm, Su Zequn has been in the petition office waiting for liberating the petitioners, but petitioners still refused to send representatives. Su Zequn had to make the notification petitioners own will in the afternoon 4 when arrive at the Bureau of letters and calls the government of Panyu District to continue the reception staff, please petitioners to the petition. Went to the Complaints Bureau of Panyu District government, Su Zequn once again held a spot to research work.
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