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Crusher brand - a crusher of crushing equipment producing environmental pollution concentration
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-11-21 15:10:46
Crusher brands - a crusher focus of crushing equipment production
Air pollution
Environmental impact: raising awareness to reconsider the serious air pollution in the smoke. In February 12, 2014, the State Council announced, the government will adopt a series of measures aimed at the main energy from natural gas and coal, renewable energy. The pricing mechanism will be used to support alternative clean coal. Financial incentives will encourage Green Energy Corporation. The government will strictly control the emission, to better support the development of clean technology. It will also set up a 10000000000 yuan ($1.7) fund to help the company reach new environmental standards
Heavy fog greatly polluted the central and southern Jiangsu Province, especially in the capital of Jiangsu Province in eastern Nanjing. The air quality index is maintained in a "serious pollution" for 5 consecutive days, 9 "heavy pollution", reached a record breaking 331 value. Respirable particulate matter is sometimes more than 500. In December 3, 2013, the level of PM2.5 particles on average more than 943 micrograms per cubic meter, more than 338 micrograms per cubic meter down in December 4th. Afternoon 3:00 between, on December 3rd at 2:00 pm, local time on December 4th, several were closed from Nanjing Jiangsu other city highway, dozens of passengers stranded cars bus station. From 5 to December 6th, Nanjing air pollution in red alert, suspended in all schools and kindergarten curriculum. Experts say, these data show that high levels of dust on the construction site. Children's hospital outpatient service increased by 33%; a significant increase in overall incidence of bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infection. Smoke dissipated December 12th officials intensive pollution blamed on a lack of wind, in the low pressure air and automobile exhaust emission of coal power central heating system in the north.
Since 2006 May the establishment of the Institute of public and environmental affairs,, register based nonprofit organization in Beijing, the development of map database, pollution monitoring corporate environmental performance, determine the source location of pollution and as an information platform for regional pollution, such as water and air quality, and pollutant emission ranking. This kind of public information resources brought together more than 97000 from government departments, environmental supervision records at various levels and area, in the mainland. These records, dating back to 2004, to allow expansion of the disclosure of environmental information, so that the community can fully understand the surrounding environment hazards and risks, promoting broad public participation in environmental governance.
Improvement on the website, so "pollution map database, number of violations of the official records in the past two years, in all regions, added to the" pollution map database, have increased by more than 40000, each has its own special circumstances, the need for timely and effective solution.
This important public resources allow stakeholders at all levels, notice, for personal and social opportunities, and non-governmental organizations and the media in. Hope the social supervision of enterprises and regional government environmental performance and external pressure to promote efforts to implementation and compliance, and will provide a safer, cleaner and more healthy environment.
Pollution map database in the development and update of "," to publish annually, the government in writing, the monitoring of national key enterprise list according to the principle and method of selecting, identified these companies accounted for 65% of the industrial emissions volume, in the traditional heavy pollution industry. Through, often difficult, research and field investigation, the goal is to continue the geographical positioning the position of these companies.
In a continuation of this project intends to continue the effort to collect, organize and disseminate environmental data, enterprises around the illegal information.
The people's Republic of China is an active participant in climate change negotiations and other multilateral environmental negotiations, claiming that the heavy environmental challenges, but promote the developed countries to help developing home in a greater extent. This is a signed the "Kyoto Protocol", though not required to reduce their carbon emissions in the terms of this agreement.
The national carbon emissions trading scheme in 2008 November announced the implementation of a mandatory emissions trading scheme in the provinces by the national government, as part of its strategy to create a "low-carbon civilization". The program will allow the provinces to capture system in these areas through investment money carbon, not to invest in such technology.
On 2004, Premier Wen Jiabao promised to use an "iron hand" to allow more energy efficiency. Has more than other countries to become the largest investor in wind turbines and other renewable energy technologies. And the introduction of new energy automotive lighting and natural gas standard investment severe $34600000000 in clean technology in 2009, is a world leader in renewable energy technologies of investors. The production of more wind turbines and solar panels each year
Forms of pollution
The Lachine canal is pollution in Montreal canada.
The main form of the following is a list of specific pollutants pollution and everyone involved:
Air pollution: chemicals and particles released into the atmosphere. Gaseous pollutants often include a carbon, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrogen compounds produced by industry and motor vehicles. Photochemical ozone and smog of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the sun to create a reaction. Characteristics of inhalable particles or dust is their micron PM2.5 particle.
Light pollution: including light trespass, and astronomical interference.
Litter: - Criminal throwing man-made objects not appropriate to public and private property.
Noise pollution: including road noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise and high strength sonar.
Soil pollution leaks in chemical substances released leakage or underground. Among the most significant soil contaminants are hydrocarbons, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Radioactive pollution in twentieth Century, caused by the activities of atomic physics, such as nuclear power and nuclear weapons research, production and deployment. (see Alfa transmitter and actinide elements
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