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Farewell to the "GDP only" play hardball
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-26 17:04:23
Farewell to the "GDP only" play hardball. Up to now, more than 70 cities and counties Chinese farewell "only GDP theory" of the times, to cancel the GDP examination, replace sb. to environmental and livelihood assessment guide. Well, the first quarter of the country's 31 provinces GDP sum only the first quarter the total GDP is higher than 3.64%, higher than in 2013 dropped 11%.

But this is a difficult farewell.

In 1985, seventh years of reform and opening up, Chinese start accounting for GDP, now already 29 years, can say, GDP recorded 30 years of reform and opening up the economy China. In the opinion of vice president of Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of environmental protection and chief engineer Wang Jinnan, "the traditional GDP accounting has been one hundred or two hundred years of product, must have its own scientific, full negation not appropriate." More than one thousand cities and counties the rest when to give up GDP performance evaluation?

Another problem is that, with what standard to replace GDP? Cancel the GDP examination, only the first step, important is not put things right once and for all, the need to further improve the assessment system. If some places lack scientific new evaluation system, it is difficult to prevent the "GDP test" for one stage a comeback.

70 counties and cities not examination of GDP

Recently, Fujian to cancel the GDP examination in 34 counties. According to incomplete statistics, China has more than 70 cities and counties to clear off the GDP examination. A macro policy researcher told reporters, Chinese bid farewell to "only GDP theory" era, "down GDP, attach importance to people's livelihood" has become the new orientation of the performance evaluation.

More than 70 cities and counties GDP assessment has been canceled, in number only accounts for more than 2000 counties and cities is a small proportion of the. These counties mainly can be divided into three categories, one is the economic poverty counties, such as Shanxi's 36 counties. The two is of special value in the environment or agriculture, such as the 34 County of Fujian province. Three is to belong to the fragile ecological area, the need to limit the development of Guizhou Province, such as cities and counties.

In addition to these special properties of other counties and cities, the vast majority of conventional counties and cities, GDP examination is still an important part of the performance appraisal system, is one of the focus of the work of the local government. These are fully illustrated, bid farewell to the "GDP only", we still shoulder heavy responsibilities.

In fact, "only GDP theory" long time economic construction as the theme, while the performance appraisal relies on the single economic index, there should be the economic speed growth "need".

"Not only GDP on hero, all know that, but at the grass-roots implementation is not easy. The habit of catching up economy long-term, at the side of the GDP championship, now change the rules of the game, also need some time to adapt." A basic level leading to the "international finance" reporter sighed, especially in some western areas because of less developed, the development of a stronger desire for GDP impulse, more concentrated. "The pressure of economic restructuring is twofold. No transformation, cannot follow the trend; transformation, road in where? Stay still, have to bear the pressure of the economic downturn. Both have a long way to go, had to turn around, we pressure also not light."

The lack of alternative assessment methods

"Not only GDP heroes" and called for many years, some places still remain in the "important to say, does secondary, busy don't", is one of the important reasons, the lack of operational alternative assessment methods.

Eighteen plenary meeting points out clearly, to correct the bias of economic growth speed rating performance. Performance appraisal is the work of government departments "baton", has the important and realistic view of achievement in one's post and administrative behavior.

The macro policy researcher told reporters, in reality, in addition to the more than 70 counties and cities specifically abolished GDP examination, the reform performance appraisal system, it should be said that the main is still in its infancy and exploration stage. In the research carried out around, generally reduces the weight of GDP evaluation, increase the weight of environmental protection, such as in Shaanxi Province, Shenyang city.

See many new high-tech industrial park in the reporter visited the survey process, from the industrial to the planning, and many other parts of the park to run in the same groove. The local development and Reform Commission staff told reporters, "some areas in the pursuit of economic growth, lack of innovation, that can bring GDP, projects can be. In fact, possibly brings overcapacity, repeat construction, vicious competition and other issues."

In the view of the macroscopic policy researcher, different parts of the government's economic work assessment, should not use the same index. Some areas may be small business developed, some high-end manufacturing, some is tourism service industry aggregation, more personality to the performance evaluation system to guide the local economy better development.

Feasibility of "eco GDP"

In December 9, 2013, the Organization Department of CPC Central Committee issued a notice to the national important, "notice on the improvement of local party and government leading bodies and leading cadres performance appraisal work" (hereinafter referred to as the "notice"), 8 points, 6 points mentioned ecological and environmental problems.

In fact, over the past 10 years, the government departments under the relevant research institutions and ecological environment in the Ministry of environmental protection, the State Forestry Administration in the new index, early research scholars. Some want to replace GDP, some to coexist with GDP, and to the government decision-making reference.

"We hope that the 'ecological GDP' index to replace the GDP index." Ecological indicators of GDP China Academy of forestry researcher Wang Bing led the research team, is carried out in support of the State Forestry. At the end of 2012, Wang Bing put forward the concept of ecological GDP, which is based on current GDP minus the environmental degradation value (such as grassland degradation etc.), minus the value of resource consumption (such as wood consumption), coupled with the ecological benefits (such as water conservation, etc.), finally obtains the value.

Action earlier from 2004 onwards, vice president of Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of environmental protection and chief engineer Wang Jinnan and his team began to accounting, a "green GDP" index. From the traditional GDP lose resource consumption residual GDP after cost and environmental damage cost. But Wang Jinnan said, they have not accounting for resources, so it is not completely accounting, yet to be improved.

Another new index is GEP, namely gross ecosystem production (GrossEcosystemProduct). This index by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) representative Zhu Chunquan and China Eco Environmental Sciences Research Center Deputy Director Ouyang Zhiyun joint research, was put forward in 2012. GEP includes ecological system product value (such as wood), ecological regulation services (such as air purification) and ecological cultural service value (such as leisure and tourism).

Apparently, GDP, GEP common ecological and green GDP three new indicators, are all associate the economic development and ecological cost. It is reported, three indicators have been part of the local government China support.

Understand according to the reporter, at present the northeast of Heilongjiang and Jilin have done in ecological GDP accounting; the concept of GEP by Guangdong welcome, and Guizhou was selected as the research state of GEP.

The world want to abandon the GDP

Not only China, western countries have begun to "exclusion" GDP.

Former French President Jacques Sarkozy in 2008 proposed the application of the new social development indicators to replace GDP, with more widely reflects the social and environmental improvement.

British Prime Minister Cameron in a meeting in 2010 said, "we can't just stare at the GDP, regardless of whether the happy people." He even ordered the director of the National Bureau of statistics to formulate a measure of "gross national happiness" approach, to understand the psychological status of national and life satisfaction with the environment.

In 2012, American, then Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke proposed, GDP and other government economic data and can't completely reflect the difficult moments, many people are facing, "we should be looking for a better and more direct to measure people's happiness".

1972 in the economic theory circles, William Nordhaus, and James Tobin invented "measure of economic welfare" in 1989; Hermann Daly and John Cob, Clifford Cob and his son had created "index of sustainable economic welfare", and then in 1995, Clifford de Cob developed "real development index".

Including the characteristics of these new index: deduction of defense spending, the destruction of environmental factors into account, some also increased the volunteer service, the crime rate, leisure time, public facilities, life, have joined the social investigation in government and industry statistics. These new social development indicators are used on a small scale in some countries of the local government, some governments refer to the index system of the formulation of the social development index of their new. But there is still not a widely accepted by all over the world and the universal application of the index system.
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