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Crushed grille sewage treatment to promote the sustainable use of water resources
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-1-23 16:44:12
Shortage of water resources, and limited development potential, water use efficiency is not high, prominent environmental problems, can not go to be given for the old road, water management must accelerate transition to water demand management, water resources planning, configuration, conservation and protection embody the concept of water demand management, and other links should take the content development. Water resources are controlling elements of the basis of natural resources, but also the ecological environment construction crushed grille, but it is also a strategic economic resources, as an integral part of the comprehensive national strength. China belongs to water resources in poor countries, the grim reality of water pollution, further exacerbating the tensions of water shortage, water crisis imminent danger. Water quality and ecological problems of the water crisis and its derivative will not only shackles and constraints of the third-step strategic goal of China's economic development, and will likely lead to major social and political crisis, thereby affecting the pattern of our national security. The spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in China is extremely uneven, river silt content in the water is high, complex hydrological and water resource issues for a long time. Affect the performance of the climatic conditions of our country's water resources for the southern flood and northern drought. Especially with the industrialization and urbanization, rapid development and the impact of global climate change increase, the water situation facing still severe water shortages, water pollution, water deterioration of the ecological environment and other issues are still outstanding. National integrated water resources planning "is a concentrated expression of the sustainable development of water management ideas of water resources development, utilization, configuration, saving, an important basis for the protection and management of water damage prevention work. The focus of the "planning" to answer the six major strategic issues in the sustainable use of water resources. The first comprehensive survey of the scientific evaluation of the country's water resources and its development and utilization of water ecological environment status and evolution of systems analysis of the carrying capacity of water resources and water environmental carrying capacity. Second, taking full account of the conditions of water resources in different regions, utilization levels, on the basis of the future economic and social development and technological progress and other factors, the science put forward the strategic objectives of our sustainable use of water resources in the next period, the general idea and the main task crushed grille. Third, study and formulate the overall configuration of the pattern on the country, watershed and regional water resources and controlling the development and utilization and conservation of protected indicators. Fourth, the study demonstrated significant overall layout of the allocation of water resources engineering, and is conducive to the rational allocation of water resources management measures. Fifth departure from the strategic height to promote the sustainable use of water resources in China, to develop a conservation and efficient use of water resources, the protection of water ecological environment and the protection of drinking water safety, water safety, food security and ecological security countermeasures. Sixth, the proposed measures to implement the most stringent water management system. China's Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei said in the opening ceremony of the 5th International Yellow River Forum last year, China has strict management of water resources as a strategic initiative to accelerate the transformation of economic development, the implementation of the most stringent water management system, establish a water resources development and utilization control, water use efficiency control and water features the area restrictions assimilative, and to promote the sustainable use of water resources. To achieve the sustainable development of water resources countermeasures:
1. Reform of water resources management system established unified water resources management committee, the implementation of a the unified planning crushed grille and unified management, and strengthen water resources legislation and law enforcement, to amend existing water resources planning.
. Reform of investment system of water resources to establish long-term stability, correct guidance, input mechanism of a comprehensive system of integrated water resources management, water resources investment mechanism should take full account of the needs of the sewage treatment.
3. Reform water pricing policy
The price of water is the main economic levers in the water resources, plays an important role in guiding the configuration of water resources crushing-type grille and management. Must be under the unified leadership of the national water resources management institutions, according to the state for the water resources strategy, clear development of our country at this stage of the appropriate water pricing policy and water pricing system.
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