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Twelve Five fifty billion governance lake eutrophication
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-1-21 16:32:52
Recently, the State Council in Beijing released the 2011 State of the Environment ", the communique pointed out that the outstanding problem of eutrophication of lakes (reservoirs) in China, the monitoring of 26 lakes (reservoirs) in the eutrophication of lakes (reservoirs) 53.8 %, the proportion of mild eutrophic state and moderate eutrophication of lakes (reservoirs) were 46.1% and 7.7%, respectively. Zhou Shengxian, Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection has proposed that the countries further promote the key water pollution control, has begun to give priority to the protection of water quality is good and ecologically fragile rivers and lakes.
Eutrophication causes and effects of topic seems commonplace every year investment governance every year are due to eutrophication outbreak of water bloom, which allow people to have to re-explore the eutrophication problem.
An eutrophication three hazard
Eutrophication the waters contained too many nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and water effects, mainly for the proliferation of algae and aquatic plants on water quality and aquatic ecosystems caused serious damage . Harm not only in the ecosystem, there are two aspects of the economic and human health.
Eutrophication of the lake water will break all kinds of energy and matter cycle balance, which algae blooms that obscured the sun, reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, resulting in the phenomenon of algal blooms, aquatic life can not be normal growth, development, reproduction, and ultimately a lot of Death, serious damage to the ecosystem.
The eutrophication oxidation seriously affect the aquaculture and fishing industry. Mucus secretion of algae or after death will be attached to the fish cheeks, causing death by suffocation, toxic algae, aquatic organisms resulting in death after eating, dissolved oxygen decline in aquatic organisms cause suffocation and death; eutrophication of water body fat smelly, destruction of watershed landscape, thereby affecting economic growth seriously affect the development of the tourism industry.
Eutrophication lead to the deterioration of water quality, human health threat and is closely related to people's lives. The deterioration of water quality in apparent impact water odor and turbidity, water microorganisms cause disease produce algae produce toxins that harm human health.
"Lake of a policy" mode encouraged
It is reported that during the "12th Five-Year period, the central government allocated funds will reach 100 billion yuan, and guide local investment of no less than 100 billion, driven by social investment, and the formation of a total of 500 billion yuan of funds scale, focused, merit protection The principle of a lake, one policy, performance management, ecological and environmental protection tasks completed 30 lakes. In recent years, the focus of the "three rivers and three lakes" Watershed Management Experience shows that once the lake pollution, treatment costs are huge, even irreversible.
By rivers and lakes recuperate "strategic thinking that, to eradicate the lake water eutrophication, embarked on a" pollution first, treatment later "the old road to avoid the most important thing is to wastewater discharge standards, source control lake waters, nitrogen, total phosphorus is not excessive, "focus on water pollution prevention plan (2011-2015)" also requires the total amount of ammonia emissions reduction of 11.3% over 2010, if you want to ensure that the supervision and control of the government of the emission reduction targets is essential. Relevant experts believe that the priority to the protection of water quality is good lakes, is to be guided by arranging funds to establish a long-term mechanism of lake ecological environment protection, and encourage the exploration of "Lake, one policy" lake ecological environment protection mode.
It is reported that the Ministry of Environmental Protection is in conjunction with the relevant departments to study the preparation of good water quality lake ecological and environmental protection overall plan, good water quality lake ecological environment protection work system layout and orderly fashion. "Meet the requirements of the lakes are in accordance with the principle of 'one lake, one policy', according to local conditions preparation embodiment of lake ecological environment protection have been incorporated or to be incorporated into the pilot lakes must be scientific and rational use of grant funds, and strictly implement the plan, the establishment of long-term mechanism to maintain the lakes good ecological environment. "
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