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Garbage crusher reproduction the river training coup pipeline crusher closed sewage treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-11-16 14:40:50
The difficulty of the river governance is largely due to the long-term foreign source pollution input the Combined System rainy overflow, streaming of system rain and sewage mixed early pick and rainfall runoff pollution outside source pollution, garbage crusher of the river performance of the physical and chemical environment for a strong reduction in nature, organic and inorganic pollution is very serious, water odor, no longer suitable for the survival of aquatic organisms, aquatic vegetation degradation and even extinction, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthic animals only a small amount of stain types exist. The food strand breaks, food webs fragmented serious imbalance in the ecosystem structure, function severely degraded even lose. Urban rivers appear black-odor, has become in many large, urban pollution problems exist, especially in the areas of offshore city and the water network. Therefore eliminate black-odor, improve the look and feel, and beautify the city, garbage crusher water environmental problems of urban river pollution problems solved. The "black-odor phenomenon of" black-odor phenomenon caused by river water because the river water is a biochemical phenomenon - the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in water. 1 "smelly": the microbial decomposition process oxygen consumption than reoxygenation, hypoxia caused by water, the process of anaerobic microbial decomposition of organic matter, such as amines, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, smelly water. "Black": because hypoxia causes restore the river water, iron, manganese and other heavy metals to form ferrous sulfide and sulfur ions in the water to make water appear black. Treatment: urban rivers as the lifeblood of the city, not only is the water cycle, soil and water conservation, water storage, flood regulation, water quality conservation, but also to adjust the temperature and humidity, and improve the urban microclimate, healthy urban water environment of sustainable urban development an important safeguard. City born "of water, water Environment" However, with the rapid development of the economy and the acceleration of urbanization, pollution and ecological degradation of river water quality of many of our cities is very prominent, even seasonal and perennial water body black-odor phenomenon. Therefore, to solve the problem of ecological and social functions of urban river pollution, garbage crusher to restore the river is still one of the key tasks to be solved in many cities in the sustainable development process. The following is a black-odor water treatment methods: 1. Physical methods: ① diversion changing the water dilution "in order to clear the soil release of polluted water bodies can make black-odor key water quality indicators of water total phosphorus and organic matter pollution indicators, high manganese The salt index decreased concentration. But for the waters of the large storage capacity, the supplementary water is too small will not achieve purifying effect, pipe crusher and raise up water and cause a lot of waste of water resources, the high costs. So the Release "water pollution" just play a "stopgap measure" suspend the effect of severe eutrophication of lakes, Release "water pollution" is not a permanent solution. ② sediment dredging dredging dredging can reduce the large amounts of organic carbon accumulation lake, nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients to increase the storage capacity of the lake, reducing endogenous pollution, reduce water body black-odor effective ways and measures . But large-scale dredging may destroy the the lakes original biological population structure and habitat, to weaken the self-purification function, have a negative impact on the ecological restoration. 2. The aeration method: aeration good results in the elimination of black smelly water has been some laboratory tests and rivers aeration pilot confirmed. The principle is a redox reaction between reducing substances into the water dissolved oxygen and black-odor substances (H2S, FeS). Black-odor river for a long period of hypoxia, generally require a long process, the aeration of the water helps to speed up this process to make the water ecosystem restoration to the normal state. River aeration effect, the garbage crusher investment and running costs are relatively low, some developed countries such as the United States, Germany, France and the moderately developed countries and regions, such as South Korea, Hong Kong has become a polluted river in small and medium-sized frequently used methods of pollution control. Serious pollution, pipeline crusher pollution discharged into the water body long-term needs with the biological and ecological measures, therefore, can be used as one of the auxiliary biological - ecological restoration method. 3. Chemical methods: chemical flocculation treatment is a chemical dosing to remove pollutants to reach sewage treatment technology to improve water quality of the water layer. In recent years, chemical flocculation treatment technology to strengthen the effect of the primary treatment of municipal sewage has been an increasingly wide range of research and application, with the water pollution situation is worsening, the serious pollution of the water body, such as black-odor water governance, chemical flocculation fast and efficient processing technology also shows its superiority. Pipe crusher but vulnerable water body environment changes due to the effect of the chemical flocculation treatment, and must take into account the secondary pollution of chemical drug toxicity on aquatic organisms and ecosystems, the application of this technology has many limitations. 4 biological methods: Bacto-Zyme 1011 series biological composite enzyme is a series of natural organic composite product, containing a variety of enzymes, and combination of a non-ionic surface active agents and other natural component of the protein synthesis and inorganic nutrients efficient composite enzymes purification agent. Mechanism: biological complex enzyme can stimulate accelerated microbial reaction, at the same time it can promote macromolecular compounds in water is broken down into small molecules, while releasing the bound oxygen enhanced water reoxygenation, these simple pipe crusher compounds are also easily microbial The use of organic matter degradation, but also conducive to microbial diversity, microbial activity and the ability to reproduce, to achieve a micro-ecological balance. In most environments, there are many indigenous microorganisms natural purification process, but the process is very slow, because the dissolved oxygen (or other electron acceptors), the lack of nutrients, and another limiting factor is the effective growth of microorganisms often slow. Biological composite enzyme can effectively stimulate and accelerate natural biological reaction to stimulate the activity of indigenous microorganisms, to accelerate the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, harmless plankton and the environment at the same time. Which can be quickly and effectively promote the contaminated water to the virtuous ecosystem succession, so that the DO in water to be restored, COD, BOD5, NH3-N pollution index decreased rapidly, the phenomenon of black-odor smell of the water body able to quickly eliminate. FEATURES 1 - efficient to eliminate black-odor restore ecosystems Bcato-Zyme 1011 fast-acting to eliminate black-odor biological composite enzyme water can quickly eliminate the black-odor; fit Bcato-Zyme 1011 cuts nutrients biological composite enzyme can quickly cut the water-polluting substances in the body, so that the water body COD, BOD5, ammonia and other pollution indicators are improving rapidly. The same time, the activation of garbage crusher indigenous aerobic microorganisms in the sediment, improve the efficiency of biochemical reactions, reducing dissolved oxygen consumption, and promote recovery of dissolved oxygen to make the water microecosystem gradually improve. Implementation of the ecological restoration of the water body that microorganisms to rebuild the bottom of the food chain, and lay the foundation for the uplink food chain echelon recovery implantation to create sediment conditions for benthic organisms; enhance the transparency of the water, the water quality conditions for the stocking of aquatic animals to create. By manual control of the ecological environment, aquatic plants and animals and the water environment to a dynamic equilibrium. Pipe crusher features - both the root causes the Pradesh source of environmental biotechnology governance river and lake pollution control water, and governance river and lake sediments. Bioremediation governance is not just water quality standards, and ultimately the restoration of river and lake sediment completely phased governance activity, so that the rivers and lakes to restore self-purification capacity to achieve ecological balance. Features - easy construction, situ governance Bangyuan environmental equipment used in the process of biological governance rivers and lakes, and does not require large equipment such as excavators, construction is convenient, simple operation, and does not produce noise, does not affect the surrounding the normal life of the residents; most important - in situ governance, treating the symptoms and do not need to transfer the sediment in the construction process, that eliminates the transfer of pollutants and, at the same time eliminate the secondary pollution caused by the environment, but also in the original sediment on the basis of governance, to stimulus the original the indigenous microorganisms rapid growth and reproduction, a population advantage, restore sediments activity, to achieve the effect of long-term self-purification of water. Activity resumed after the bioremediation of sediments, not only does not require dredging and the active sediment can greatly improve the river's self-purification capacity. Features 4 - green environmental protection, pollution-free ① biological products noncombustible, non-volatile, green, safe, non-toxic, and no secondary pollution. ② compatibility, due to toxic side effects, the inhibitors pipe crusher with other biological agents used in conjunction with the synergies. ③ excellent biodegradable, the inhibitor waters inhibition of duckweed growth, there will be residual. Biological - ecological repair technology ecosystem - biological methods developed in recent years, a new type of environmental biotechnology. This type of technology is a major life activity of microorganisms, plants and other organisms, transfer of contaminants from water, transformation and degradation, so that the body of water to be purified, to create a suitable environment biological lives and breeds, reconstruction and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. Since this type of technology has a good effect, the project cost is relatively low and without energy or low energy consumption, low operating cost advantages. Pharmacy, at the same time do not put in the water body will not form secondary pollution, can also be combined with the greening of the environment and landscape improvements, and create a beautiful environment for integration of man and nature, and therefore has become the main direction of development of the water pollution and eutrophication control. Ecology - bioremediation technologies include: micro-ecosystem restoration techniques, artificial wetlands, floating island technology, plant control technology, ecological berm technology, ecological restoration oxygen technology, ecological dredging technology to restore aquatic animals and reconstruction techniques. In practical engineering applications, in accordance with the degree of water pollution, water environment and water features to consider using a different combination of technology, to present the ecological and economic benefits of a win-win situation. State sources, Beijing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. using biological methods and biological and ecological restoration techniques has completed dozens of projects in Beijing, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hainan, Hebei, Yunnan bioremediation of water treatment projects, and has a rich experience in governance. Able to provide solutions for the system as a whole, garbage crusher sun 24 hours tracking service mechanism. Bioremediation of black-odor river contrast photo:
?River governance ultimate objective is the restoration of river ecosystem function and structure, pipe crusher system and to promote the self-maintenance and self-development. Pipe crusher In environmental applications Bangyuan biological - ecological restoration techniques are considered to be the biological treatment technology in the field of ecological and environmental protection in the 21st century, China is the most valuable and the most viable.
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